–Charlotte Mason
Extraordinary in the Ordinary -A matter of perspective
I was telling Mrs. P. the other day that I haven't felt very inspired to write lately because I'm kind of in the middle of ordinary. Nothing too great to share and nothing too terrible; just ordinary life. She said maybe Ordinary is what I should write about. Maybe...
The Slow Start
By Mrs. PI have never in my 12 years or so of home schooling done a "soft start" or "orientation" week, I generally throw myself and my darling children to the wolves from the start! Inevitably by week 6 we are burnt out, to say the least. So in turning...
Field Trips-CM Approved
In keeping with the simplicity of a Charlotte-Mason inspired homeschool fellowship, we will endeavor to filter any offered field trips or activities through a CM lens, so to speak. We recognize that there are unending field trip options for homeschoolers, however, it...
Recitation Days
The intention of our quarterly Recitation Days is to provide our children with the opportunity to present quality material that they have committed to memory. In the early years a student of Charlotte Mason would memorize passages of literature, poetry, scripture, and...
Know Thyself
By Mrs. P I asked my darling husband to give me a day without children to plan for next year, and he very graciously obliged. He took 3 of the girls for an entire day so that I could sit down and hash it out with excel and curriculum! At 1pm Fri afternoon I sat down...
The Thirteen Year Plan
At first glance, a Charlotte Mason education might seem a bit unstructured. It might seem a bit "light" or "non-academic." This is why a Charlotte Mason education needs more than a casual look, it requires a digging-in kind of study to really understand her vision for...