Our annual “Share your favorite resources” Fellowship Tea happened! In addition to a lovely time of tea and treats, as well as sweet fellowship and mom encouragement, we got to hear some great ideas and learn of some favorite homeschool (and other) resources and materials. In case you missed it, please read on and follow the links for ideas and recommendations from those who were there.
Marina’s Recommendations:
- Family Hymn Binder: Alphabetized list of favorite hymns in sheet protectors with printed song for each family member. Use daily.
- Carol Joy Seid dvds for encouragement
- Favorite Apps: Audible.com; AllTrails app; Merlin Bird app
Kimberley’s Recommendations:
- Beast Academy Math for an alternative math curriculum that’s entirely different from the “norm”
- Typing.com for typing practice
Reina’s Recommendations:
- Right-brain Multiplication cards for your right-brain learners
Connie’s Recommendations:
- The Gift of Dyslexia for a fresh perspective on right-brain learning and dyslexia
- The Dyslexic Advantage
- Right-brain Sight Words for your right-brain learners
- A Handbook for Morning Time for inspiration on getting started on a morning time of your own
Katie’s Recommendations:
- Daily Grams for simple grammar instruction
- Trailblazers Series “Preachers and Teachers” for read aloud
- Light Keepers Ten Boys/Ten Girls series for kid’s independent reading
- MIxed Media sketch book for kid’s drawing and painting
- The Valley of Vision for Mom Devotions
Naomi’s Recommendations:
- XtraMath for computer based math fact practice
Andrea’s Recommendations:
- NIrV Adventure Bible for 2nd grade level independent Bible reading
- Vos Story Bible for daily read aloud to all ages
Kristie’s Recommendations:
- Visits to…Geography series from Simply Charlotte Mason for mapwork, literature, and a global perspective in Geography studies
- Geography Main Lesson books for Geography terms and drawings
- Rod & Staff’s Typing Manual for non-computer based typing instruction
Used Book Websites
The FAVORITE recommendation of the day from Katie:
- Use Super Hero shopping bags so your kids will help bring in the groceries!!